The Mastery Engine

Learn to move forward at a higher level.

The Mastery Engine

Learn to move forward at a higher level.

The Mastery Engine

Learn to move forward at a higher level.

The Mastery Engine

Learn to move forward at a higher level.

The Mastery Engine

Learn to move forward at a higher level.

Daniel Hanks

March 24, 2024

March 24, 2024


March 24, 2024


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min read

As you move forward in life, this "Mastery Engine" pushes you along. Utilize the laws of mastery and attain the highest states you can, without force. Watch what comes of it. It may take days, months, or years but you will see miracles when compared to your previous states, projects, and efficiencies.

The Mastery Engine represents a cycle of phases during your focus time each day. When you are able to discover new ideas and methods of thought, you gain clarity on what to do and why you should do it. When you have clarity of the why’s and what’s, you are then able to take action more effectively, thus bringing results. These results are experienced and felt, and you begin to reflect and learn from them. Finding yourself back in a zone of curiosity and discovery which shapes the ongoing circle, in a progressive evolution. This is the engine that moves you forward each day and over the course of life chapters. This is the evolution of SELF (Your Mind, Mission, Skills, and Systems) and allows them to refine and evolve.

To improve the efficiency of your engine, you can utilize your gears (see the scale in the bottom of the image). The gears represent which effectiveness level you are in, during each of the stages. The goal is to be so enveloped in your work, it’s not only fun, it’s frictionless. It just exists as you exist. This allows great work and progress to occur by you simply being you. This is flow. You will gradually be able to reach this state and sustain it for longer durations. Never force it, that’s like riding up a hill and clicking your bike into the highest gear expecting power and speed. It doesn’t work, you must build momentum and learn the laws of Mastery the same way you must learn the laws of physics as a child.

The time devoted to the practice of mastery, should be at least 1-2 hours a day and that is everyday. Gradually work your way up. starting where you feel comfortable. It’s crucial to know your limit, be honest with yourself. How effective are you during this time? You will find and form your frame. However as you move forward it’s important to push yourself to expand that time of flow to a space and time each day that serves you best where you are at in life. This time of practice is meant to help you and serve both your daily & life paths towards mastery.


The best way to get started when you’re feeling lost, unmotivated, or stuck is to step into curiosity.
Find something that interests you and begin to study it, these findings will be not only be learned but put into practice through your projects and life practices. Naturally over time you will calibrate around your interests and the fields of focus will unveil themselves. You won’t want to study things that don’t interest you after all. It’s important to follow your intuition and see where it takes you.
Let down your assumptions as you choose what to be curious about. Be vulnerable and have fun with it. This is your time, your life, your future. Some of the most helpful things for my health, wealth, and relationship growth have came to me through studying with a humble (not widely known) Buddhist teacher. Before I discovered this, I would have guessed that learning from successful entrepreneurs, learning coding or marketing would have served me best and been my initial choice of curiosity. Although each of these areas of interest are important and of interest to me, and come into my daily flow, I continue to surprise myself with what actually ignites my curiosity and growth.

The highest state of Curiosity is flow.


Gaining clarity and insight comes naturally when you are studying, learning and researching. As your mind expands, it begins to see how things connect and what opportunities and ideas could exist in the world. You find solutions to stagnant problems, ways to process things that once held you back mentally, and so much more.

When you reach a state of clarity, it feels as if a light has been turned on. In those moments it’s important to export the clarity onto paper, voice notes, task lists, journal entries, etc. After your ideas and clear visions have been placed before you in an organized manner, you are then left with no choice, literally it just happens. You take action.

The highest state of Clarity is flow.


Taking action is the natural progression from clarity. It's the physical manifestation of all the mental and emotional preparation. Once you have a clear understanding of what needs to be done and why, taking action becomes instinctive.

This stage is where your ideas and plans meet reality, and it's where the tangible aspects of progress are made. By translating thought into action, you bridge the gap between concept and reality. The actions you take are guided by the clarity you’ve achieved, ensuring that your efforts are purposeful and directed toward your objectives.

The more action you take, the more you are able to build muscle memory and ultimately gain skill in what you are doing.

The highest state of action is flow.


The final phase of the Mastery Engine is observing and understanding the results of your actions. This is a crucial phase as it provides feedback on your efforts. Positive results reinforce the actions taken and the strategies employed, adding to your motivation. On the other hand, unexpected or negative results provide an opportunity for learning and course correction. By analyzing the outcomes, you’re able to adjust your approach, refine your methods, and develop new strategies for improvement. The insights gained from this phase feed back into the cycle, sparking new curiosity and leading to greater clarity for future actions.

The highest state of Results is flow.

Over time you will reach the highest states more easily and more naturally.  The only way to grow and become a master is to make mistakes and learn from them. Fail, get back up, start over, and lean in. Each time you get lost, simply get curious. Over time you will see your levels of efficiency 2x, 10x, even 30x your previous levels. Getting done in one day what others do in a month.


Daniel Hanks

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

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