The Creator Economy

How to Enter and Thrive in The New Creator Economy

The Creator Economy

How to Enter and Thrive in The New Creator Economy

The Creator Economy

How to Enter and Thrive in The New Creator Economy

The Creator Economy

How to Enter and Thrive in The New Creator Economy

The Creator Economy

How to Enter and Thrive in The New Creator Economy

Daniel Hanks

March 24, 2024

March 24, 2024


March 24, 2024


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min read

The economy is always changing, shaped by all of us (“The Consumer”) and our needs, trust, and demand.

As consumer demands & societal interests shift, so too does the workforce. This is the fluid state of the economy.

In this new era we are all (for the most part) on our phones, and the town centers where we get our news & media is of course — social media. This has transformed how content is distributed, giving rise to communities, services, and brands built on this modern infrastructure.

Over the last 15 years, we have seen various trends. These trends and the 'attention' of our consumers has allowed new social lead brands and influencers to make it big, many achieving unicorn & billionaire status. These are with smaller teams, but still teams of people.

I saw this back in 2017, and ended up generated millions with these same social brands and influencers.

Once again, things are changing. Here's what to prepare for.

Legacy brands either learned to adapt to this shift of the economy, or failed (or will fail soon) if they neglected to make the transition.

The economy is always migrating. Once we know this, we realize the single most important thing to exist in but also thrive in it is to be foundational stable and effective as an individual.

The economy is allowing for more efficient tools, what once took teams of people and 6 or 7 figures to build, can now be accomplished with a single person with a few hundred or couple thousand bucks. This ratio isn’t stopping either, becoming even more in the favor of the small nimble teams and of course the individual (the creator). You can have a professional site that looks like a $100m 2020 startup with less than $100 and 5 hours of work, thanks to Framer. You can break down complex concepts and study thanks to YouTube and ChatGPT in minutes vs months. And so on.

So we have these amazing tools at our fingertips and they are only going to get easier to use and more powerful. This will of course replace tasks that teams and jobs once fulfilled. So people will need places to go. This happened to farmers in the rise of the industrial era. They migrated to smaller strips of land to work in factories, and learned to manage machinery.

We are in the middle of this same evolution to the workforce. So once again, where will these people go?

I believe that over time, these people will become their own sovereign businesses and work fluidly between projects, clients, personal and professional work. Your portfolio, personal brand, and the structure you build around your brand will become far more important than your resume or CV. Being a self-starter and innovator will be valued more than ever before, and having the ability (and experience) to execute, build good product, and reach people authentically will be the driving factor to who reaches the top.

This new economy will allow people to:

Seek Mastery: By focusing on personal growth and mastery, individuals can produce stronger work and enhance their well-being.

Become a Creator: Thanks to exponentially advancing technology and the collective rising of human consciousness. Rather than conforming to traditional employee roles and company structures, individuals can forge their paths as entrepreneurs, consultants, or freelancers, contributing to ventures, serving clients, and building communities on their own terms — this is the path of the creator.

Enjoy Life: The efficiency and effectiveness brought about by this shift promise not only value driven work & fulfillment but also more leisure time, experiences, and stability for individuals and their families.

The message is clear—evolution within this space is not just beneficial but necessary for survival.

People and brands that help others understand and become part of this new digital economy will come out on top.

Looking for the biggest chance of this decade, maybe even our lifetime? Focus on creating, educating, and helping people and brands enter this new creator economy. — — Starting with yourself.


Daniel Hanks

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

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