Getting Started

So many times, we simply don't start. Here's the Path Forward.

Getting Started

So many times, we simply don't start. Here's the Path Forward.

Getting Started

So many times, we simply don't start. Here's the Path Forward.

Getting Started

So many times, we simply don't start. Here's the Path Forward.

Getting Started

So many times, we simply don't start. Here's the Path Forward.

Daniel Hanks

March 21, 2024

March 21, 2024


March 21, 2024


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min read



min read


  • Time Management: Understanding how to allocate your time effectively, distinguishing between urgent and important tasks.

  • Limit Distractions: You will find yourself opening apps as you work, experiencing constant distractions from your task-at-hand. Technology is built this way and we must learn methods to mitigate this, continually. Remove apps from your phone, entirely, or hide them in folders, remove them from your dock and desktop, etc. Utilize focus playlists (here's my focused playlist) You can also search and find your vibe on YouTube as you work.

  • Prioritization: Identifying which tasks or aspects of your project will have the most significant impact on your progress and focusing your efforts accordingly. Here is an article from Sam Altman on the concept of Productivity. If you are Productive, it means you have your Priorities in order.

  • Mindfulness and Concentration: Cultivating practices that enhance your ability to concentrate on the task at hand, such as mindfulness or meditation, can significantly improve your focus. As is the way of learning and growing a skill, the only way to improve is to practice.

  • Setting Clear Goals: Having specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals provides direction and helps maintain focus on your project's critical aspects.

  • Dealing with Procrastination: Learning strategies to overcome procrastination ensures that your focus leads to action and progress. This is a habit you build over time. Learn what reward and mental levers work best for you to ensure your tasks get done and aren't pushed off. You can't be perfect here, but you must be better than you were and than others are to reach an above average success. Overtime, I find that less of my to do's are avoided or prolonged. This is partly due to taking better action, and partly due to knowing what actually needs to get done. Trial and error is the method here.

Build in Public

  • Transparency: Being open about your processes, decisions, and the challenges you face can help build trust with your audience and invite valuable feedback. It can also set a tone to others that you are just like them and allowing them to see the tangible proof of progress is a beautiful gift to share. Someday your videos won't be bad, someday your app will be good, someday your songs will be heard by many, and so on. If you know this, then there is nothing to be embarrassed by. The ability and willingness to look foolish and make mistakes, is the quickest way out of the rat race. This willingness to be vulnerable and to learn from failure not only accelerates personal and professional growth but also liberates us from the fear of judgment that often holds us back.

  • Engagement and Community Building: Actively engaging with your followers and other builders can create a support network and foster a sense of community around your project. This is a channel of marketing that you own and you don't have to pay for. The community will teach you as much as you are teaching them.

  • Feedback Loop: Establishing a mechanism to gather and incorporate feedback efficiently can significantly improve your project and adapt to your audience's needs.

  • Personal Branding: Sharing your journey contributes to your personal brand, highlighting your skills, work ethic, and the values that guide your work.

  • Learning from Failures: Publicly addressing setbacks and what you've learned from them can be incredibly educational for both you and your audience. If your story was perfect it'd be boring and unhelpful. Your genuine audience will be attracted to the raw and realness of life's journey is who you should be after. If you lie or exaggerate, then you are stuck living a lie. This never lasts and isn't wholesome. This is the "Real Friends vs Fake Friends" theory, at-scale.

Learning & Growing

  • Skill Acquisition: Continuously upgrading your technical and soft skills to meet the demands of your projects and audience expectations.

  • Market Awareness: Staying informed about the latest trends, tools, and technologies in your industry to ensure your project remains competitive and innovative.

  • Learning from Peers: Engaging with the work and insights of other builders to gain new perspectives and solutions to challenges you might face. I still find it difficult to find 'my tribe' but the value from a genuine connection will change both your lives. Build for the longterm. Naval said it best: "Play longterm games with longterm people".


  • Mindset Growth: Cultivating a growth mindset that views challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than insurmountable obstacles.

  • Emotional Intelligence: Managing your emotions in the face of criticism and failure, turning these experiences into constructive paths for improvement.

  • Stress Management: Implementing strategies to manage stress effectively, ensuring it doesn't hinder your productivity or well-being.

  • Support Networks: Building a support network of mentors, peers, and a community that can provide advice, feedback, and encouragement during tough times.

  • Get Back Up: Understanding that setbacks are not failures but part of the learning and growing process. Developing strategies to reassess, reorient, and reengage with your projects after facing challenges.

Find Your Voice

  • Writing: Honing your writing skills to clearly articulate your ideas, share your journey, and communicate with your audience.

  • Speaking: Developing your speaking skills to effectively present your ideas, engage with your audience, and share your story.

  • Communication: Mastering the art of communication to ensure your message resonates with your audience and fosters engagement.

  • Self Confidence: Building self-confidence to trust in your abilities, make decisions, and present your work boldly and authentically.


  • Automation Tools: Use automation to streamline repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on core activities.

  • Organization Tools: Task management, Journal, Notebooks, Whiteboard, Etc. How do you store ideas and information and how do you executive, implement, and organize continually? Here is a list of my Creator Toobox "Tech Stack" tools of choice.

  • Choose Your Platforms: Choose the right platforms to share your work, gather feedback, and engage with your community. This can and will evolve over time.

Package Your Products & Services

  • MVP (Minimum Viable Product): Focus on creating a minimal viable product that meets the core needs of your target audience. This approach allows you to test ideas and gather user feedback with minimal resources.

  • Reach MVP and Progressing From There: After reaching the MVP stage, use the feedback collected to iterate and enhance your product. This phase is critical for refining your offering based on real user experiences and preparing for broader market introduction.

  • Building Foundation and Documentation to Scale: As you prepare to scale your product, establish a solid foundation by developing comprehensive documentation. This includes technical documentation for future developers, user guides for customers, and internal process documents to ensure smooth operations as your team grows.

  • Sales, Marketing, and Scaling: With a solid product and foundation in place, focus on the sales and marketing aspects to drive adoption and revenue. Strategies might include content marketing, social media engagement, targeted advertising, and partnerships. Additionally, consider scalable infrastructure and operations to accommodate growth without compromising on quality or user experience.

If you have any questions or want some help. Email me HERE.


Daniel Hanks

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

I am a student of mastery in mind, body, and business. My journey began in e-commerce and real estate, then shifted towards technology and marketing. In New York City, I built a successful influencer agency and later established two remote 7-figure businesses in Hawaii. After these 'successes' eventually 'failed', I embarked on a two-year exploration in Europe and Utah, a period of reflection that inspired me to pursue Mastery & The One Person Business Model. This phase led me to adopt a more authentic and effective approach to rebuilding my entire SELF, from thoughts, to habits, to my projects & ventures, I found a new level of stability and progress. That's what i'm here to share with you.

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