
A space for free and/or focused thought.

August 9, 2024




At first, hardly you can see,

your own vision.

Overtime, It becomes more clear,

and others now begin to see,

your (now shared) vision.

July 26, 2024

The Importance of Failing

J.K. Rowling faced rejection from 12 publishers before “Harry Potter” became a global phenomenon.

Henry Ford’s first two automobile factories failed before he revolutionized the world and the automobile industry with the Model T.

Failure is a crucial step on the path to success.

In our quest for perfection, we often forget that progress is what truly matters. It’s what actually moves then needle, and us, towards our goals. We get caught up in the fear of making mistakes, of falling short of our own or others' expectations. But the reality is, trying to be perfect is a trap. It holds us back, preventing us from taking the necessary steps that lead to growth and achievement.

Perfection is an illusion. Progress, however, is real and attainable. It's about showing up every day and putting in the work, regardless of how you feel. It's about making small, consistent steps forward. Each effort, no matter how insignificant it may seem at the time, contributes to the bigger picture.

When we embrace failure, we learn valuable lessons that we would never gain by playing it safe. Failure teaches us resilience, adaptability, and the importance of perseverance. It strips away our illusions of how we could fail or have failed, and forces us to confront our weaknesses, giving us the opportunity to turn them into strengths.

Stop trying to be perfect and avoiding failure. Start learning from it and continuing to move forward. This is how you actually avoid failure in the future, by touching the hot stovetop. The true path to mastery and achievement.

July 24, 2024

So Many Chapters

“I love this age so much, I don’t want her to grow out of it.” Kenna said to me about our daughter Indigo. I replied, “I know, but there’s gonna be so many good chapters.”

It’s bittersweet. Chapters we once thought or wished would last forever, fade away. No matter what we do. The truth remains the same, nothing stays the same.

All we can do is enjoy the chapter we’re in and look forward to the many good chapters to come.

🖖 Be happy and at ease, Daniel

July 8, 2024



Space Between Moments

Learning to take space between moments of doing.

Who can wait quietly while the mud settles?
Who can remain still until the moment of action?

We often shift from one activity directly to the next. When we do this, we miss out on the available moment of contemplation, introspection, and stillness.

I was on a walk with my partner, Kenna, and our child Indigo. We were planning our life, discussing logistics and variables . Surveying the options, and next steps of our life. Where we are going to live, if X happens with X client, then we do Y, if not, then we do Z… — You know the drill.

We parted ways, she continuing her walk, and I heading back to the house to get some work done before a meeting.

Immediately upon turning towards home, I felt the urge to grab my phone and headphones, to do something, learn something, consume something. But I took a moment and thought to myself — "hold on, what if I just take a moment to simply find stillness?"

My mind immediately began to race, yet again. Thinking about how this concept of space between moments is such a powerful one, and that I should pull out my phone to write it down, such as I am doing right now.

Even in the moment of realization of the importance of stillness, ironically, my mind finds every possible reason to do, learn, and consume.

I disciplined myself in that moment, to be able to walk a few more blocks before pulling out my phone. To simply breathe and allow things to move about, without interference. I then analyzed this thought of stillness in space, I allowed myself to experience it for a few moments, and that space allowed me clarity of what I was going to write, this very text that you are reading now.

In between moments, I challenge you to find THE moment. The one of stillness.

^ This is where the magic is and always will remain. It is only found in (uninterrupted) spaces of stillness.

Do your best to find a sort of 'emptiness'. For just a moment, allow yourself to care less, and relax more. This open and empty space allows for open and potent thoughts to come through — you. This is how you become the higher version of yourself. By more regularly being a channel for those clear and conscious thoughts to come through you and realize themselves into the world.

🖖 May all the doors be open to your wisdom and talents and may they bring in mass abundance.

July 5, 2024

So Familiar

As you learn your own philosophies.

You won't write none, but many books.

As you discover your own mind.

You don't intervene, no, you just look.

As you embrace your own body.

You won't wish, but seek to heal.

And all I wish for you right now,

is that you persevere.

Cause you got,

Somethin in ya

and it's,

So Familiar

Ya you got,

Somethin in ya

and it's,

So Familiar

You will search across the world,

and finally find what you do seek.

The answer can't be measured,

by just steps, but also feats.

The wisdom that you have now,

You won't trade for any gold.

And all I wish for you right now,

is that thing that you hold.

Cause you got,

Somethin in ya

and it's,

So Familiar

Ya you got,

Somethin in ya

and it's,

So Familiar

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