To Attain True Glory, Seek Progress, Not Praise.

Jul 30, 2024

Self Growth

7 min

Standing on a granite stone, the size of a house, I'm on one foot.

I did a brief meditation. I received an insight that there is never a rush, only honesty and effort. I thought of ways I can better manage my mind in situations where I feel annoyed or tired, I can find a state of equanimity and simply be. This allows me to sort of disconnect from what’s going on and recharge myself, without reacting, which tends to lead to offending others or my own self. I challenged myself to test this insight when I get home to a house crowded and sometimes a bit overwhelming.

After my meditation, I begin to do some movement. Body Training. Primarily, practicing my Standing on one leg training exercise.

I was swinging about doing different poses. Earlier this morning I realized I can now do a full pistol squat over and over. It’s not smooth, but it’s solid. This is huge progress for me as I lost things like pistol squats, muscle ups, and many other movements. I’ve been quite focused in the digital and being a grown-up. Oh boy, am I really living the clichΓ©?

I started to find really clear progress as I was standing on the granite stone, doing squats and stretches, and balancing on one leg. Alternating sides, exploring, challenging progress and exploration. Just flowing.

I began to think to myself, after noticing a bunch of progress that was exciting to me with my various poses, balances, pistol squats, stretches, and more. I thought to myself hopefully Kenna sees this progress and is impressed, maybe I should call out to her and show her what I’m doing. I am so proud of myself after all.

Then I thought to myself, what if I just wait and let the progress speak for itself? In the long run, it will speak for itself, as this progress I’m seeing now is just the beginning.

I remember hearing and reading some teachings and data regarding the idea of sharing things too early, seeking validation for and at, the first sign of progress. How it stunts the progress because you get that fix and stay in the shallow realm of mastery and lose the dedication to the experience. You can't be in the present moment. You get stuck, seeking outside validation to know you’re on the right track, and you become addicted to it. Your untrained mind begins to think that this is the path you are seeking - Quick Fixes: Immediate (or asap) external validation.

The ironic part of it is that the most powerful and glorious results come when you simply build and prove through the work you are doing. Through the act of living through the self that you are being and becoming.

Release the need for validation, for it is not a need. Seek progress (Being & Becoming) as your glory, and you will be fulfilled.

As I end this contemplation and go back to my time on the island I kayaked out to with my lover. I still have the urge to share my progress, I literally thought to myself as I walked down from the granite stone the size of a house. Should I still show her?

I am going to try not to and see where it takes me.

πŸ–– Be Happy, And At Ease,

Daniel Hanks

Student of Mastery

Teka: Center for Mastery