Tabs: Why You Don’t Need to ‘Save Your Place’ with [os lens]

✌️Deuces to Tabs

Jul 31, 2024

Self Growth

7 min

The other day, while working with Xela on [os lens], I noticed his browser was overflowing with tabs. I paused and thought, “I don’t experience this anymore. Why?”

The Tab Problem

Tabs used to pile up in my browser, each one representing something important I didn’t want to lose. It seemed normal to have dozens of tabs open. But was it really normal? Or just common?

Lately, I've been contemplating this concept of "normal" in various aspects of my life and our world: If we believe that normal things should be natural, we need to reconsider what we call "normal." If something isn't natural, it may not be actually normal—just common.

The Shift with [os lens]

Now that I am fully using [os lens] and Arc, I noticed a significant change. The clutter of tabs disappeared. I didn’t need to keep everything open anymore because I trusted that my systems and tools would keep it organized and accessible

Letting Go of Tabs

The reason I used to keep tabs open was simple: they were relevant and I didn’t want to forget them. But with [os lens], I can let them go, knowing that everything has its place. I can return to important information intentionally or organically when needed.

The Power of a Clean Slate

A cluttered browser can be overwhelming, just like a cluttered mind. By organizing information in [os lens], I free up mental space to focus on what truly matters. It’s like cleaning a messy desk—suddenly, everything feels clearer and more manageable.

Shortcuts: Like Riding a Bike

Shortcuts in [os lens] become second nature. Just like riding a bike, the more you use them, the more natural they feel. Neural pathways are strengthened, making these actions almost automatic.

You Don’t Bookmark Your Brain

Think about how you remember things. You don’t hold a single thought in your mind indefinitely, afraid to forget it. Instead, you use triggers and methods to recall information when needed. This is how our [os lens] interface works. It’s designed to help you remember and access information without overwhelming your brain—or your browser.

Embracing a New Normal

By shifting from a cluttered tab approach to a streamlined system with [os lens], we embrace a new normal. This new normal is natural, efficient, and aligned with how our minds work best.

Bye bye tabs 👋

🖖 Be Happy, And At Ease,

Daniel Hanks

Student of Mastery

Teka: Center for Mastery