Remember to Breath, Move, and Rest.

Some thoughts this am.

Jul 28, 2024

Self Growth

8 min

Not only did I do my practices yesterday at the highest (%), my pillars and projects also feel at their highest productivity rating yet. This is 2 huge data points of which many of the areas of my life are benefactors to the outcome of my direction, clarity, and effort.

This quite literally is scientific data (small/early mind you) proving that my system and supportive OS interface / frameworks works!

I will simply attempt to repeat these 2 data points again today, without forcing or being impatient. There will be ups and downs and I must enjoy the ride and not get lost in β€œONLY GROWTH” mindset. Each day, throughout the day, I am seeking presence above all else.

To do this, I embed reminders like β€˜triggers’ throughout my life experience. It’s like when you see a water bottle or glass of water, you are more likely to drink. So when I feel tension or snap out of non-presence, I remember to do my breathing practices, they get me back in control of my mind and body. I train my mind and body each day to help me better my experience now, and better navigate my experiences in the future. Learning that I can control my experience, is the process of heightening your awareness.

This doesn’t mean you won’t make mistakes. β€” No one is perfect, or ever will be.

This doesn’t mean you won’t have bad days. β€” See above, also the environment, the world around us, is outside of our control, and guess what? Our inner world, lives in this outer world, simple fact of life that we can accept. The sooner we can accept it, the sooner we can optimize for it.

This does mean YOU ARE responsible for your experience and YOU CAN influence who you are and what you do.

Now we get to the title / topic of this article πŸ‡

Remember to Breath, Move, and Rest.

I get caught up in the day, in whatever my focus is on. Whether it’s a positive task or habit or a negative one, I find I can lose my present awareness and when that happens I sort of stop breathing, stop moving fluidly, and forget to rest. This is a huge factor in my journey of tension and finding pain relief. Tension in my back, stomach, and general musculoskeletal system greatly effects me. I’ve seen many healers, doctors, and experts and the general verdict I’ve come to, is that it’s a combination of many things and most of the things I see results from, I can’t uphold the practices, ambitions, tasks, or habits required to get the fullest and most lasting results. Before I would accept the baseline I could maintain / uphold and then mask the rest of the tension through Negative Patterns (Vices)

Negative Patterns (Vices):

Distractions: Used to avoid, numb, or mask.
Narratives: Used to justify, deny, or conform.

These negative patterns can come in many forms. We start doing them as a child and by the time we’re in our twenties or thirties, most people are locked into place and over the course of their lives, won’t evolve much. They are simply plugging along. The challenge here, for someone that wishes to seek mastery, continually evolve, and avoid getting or staying β€˜stuck’ is to find, face, and ultimately fix these negative patterns in our lives.

The good news is we can replace these negative patterns, with positive ones, and overtime, with practices (never ending), we can attain control, learn, and realize the fullest version of our potentials and experience.

Positive Patterns (Virtues):

Effort: Used to grow, experience, and progress.
Acceptance: Used to find, face, and surrender to reality/truth.

Positive patterns are cultivated through conscious effort and a commitment to personal growth. These patterns often emerge from habits and routines that promote well-being, resilience, and continuous learning. By intentionally developing these patterns, individuals set themselves on a path of ongoing transformation and fulfillment. Unlike negative patterns that can keep us stagnant, positive patterns encourage us to explore new possibilities, embrace challenges, and achieve higher levels of awareness and capability. For those striving for mastery, recognizing and nurturing positive patterns is essential. It ensures that we not only progress but also thrive, constantly pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve and who we can become.

I’m working on this for myself, and building the system and tools to share it and invite (and hopefully provide value and support) others to join on the PATH Continuum , to mastery.

πŸ–– Be Happy, And At Ease,

Daniel Hanks

Student of Mastery

Teka: Center for Mastery